About me

My name is Maddie. I am an identical twin and I live in the UK. In 2016 I discovered I had been brutalized when I was 3 by an uncle who lived with us throughout 1968. For 50 years, I lived in oblivion. I wish to share with you what my life has been like and how I unearthed the truth about my toddlerhood.

The Age of Three When Consciousness Dawns

When I was 51 years old, I discovered something terrible about my toddlerhood.

My unearthing occurred on the 26 October 2016 at around 10pm. Until that moment, I truly believed I had lost my virginity at 19 after an innocent and sheltered childhood. In fact I had lost it when I was 3.

My discovery did not bring psychological cataclysm but silence, utter silence. All thoughts fell from my mind and all cognition shut down.
I had been reading via a bedside lamp at the time. I stopped and slowly lowered myself. I remained frozen for hours, not wanting to go to sleep. And yet somehow, I eventually did.
This terrible unearthing formed the end result to a chain of events that is somewhat complex and has been explained a 10-part article.

Dawning of Consciousness

For now, the door had been opened. Further discoveries would inevitably follow. Over the next few weeks, I would discover I had been suffocated, drowned and brutalized in other horrific ways – all during my toddlerhood.
Until the age of 51, I believed I knew everything about my past. I was born to troubled parents and shared the cottage only with them, my siblings and occasionally Nan. In fact my rapist, my mother’s half-brother lived with us for over a year, moving in when I was 2 and moving out when I was 3 – prior to the development of my conscious awareness.

My artwork veiling loss of innocence

All memories of him had been stowed out of reach, but they were there in the dark where I couldn’t see. I remained oblivious to my uncle’s stay until I was about 8, when references to him were occasionally made by my parents. By then, I would fail to make any connection between him and my odd psychological experiences that I had come to believe were ‘normal’.
I had known no different.

For this reason, I would fail to make the connection for 5 decades. I would grow up within a house where the horrors occurred, believing the walls had witnessed nothing more than a toddler developing in a normal fashion within a safe haven.
This blog is not about me, but about the question of what life would be like for an adult whose toddlerhood had been brutalized without her conscious awareness. I wish to share with you what my life experience has been like.

Incredibly, within a few weeks of that horrific dawning, I would know an awful lot about my toddlerhood.
How can this be possible? I was only 3 when he moved out.
In fact it is very possible due to my creative outpourings and the diaries I kept between 1977 and 1988.

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