About me

My name is Maddie. I am an identical twin and I live in the UK. In 2016 I discovered I had been brutalized when I was 3 by an uncle who lived with us throughout 1968. For 50 years, I lived in oblivion. I wish to share with you what my life has been like and how I unearthed the truth about my toddlerhood.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Secret Messages in my Railway Tunnel Paintings and the Tumbledown Barn

In the summer of 1985, I produced alfresco oil paintings of a railway tunnel for my degree year at City University. In the summer of 1986, I produced on site oil paintings of a tumbledown barn in a barley field.

In both instances, I felt something was missing. In the case of the railway tunnel, I placed a dead tree over a gate located at the tunnel mouth. In the case of the tumbledown barn, I placed a plank over the doorway.

I experienced a ‘click’ in my head after adding these elements.

Symbols in the Landscape

During both summers, I suffered terrible depression, intrusive thoughts and disturbed nights. I was also working on a novel, The Lessons (originally titled The Upstairs Room). A burning fantasy world consumed my days fueling my story. The central character was a thug called Aidan. I thought he was a childhood familiar.

Whilst painting at the barn, I suffered agonizing period pains for 3 months in a row. This is unusual for me. No period pain was reported whilst I was painting at the railway bridge, as I was on the pill. The pill is known to curtail period pain.

For 30 years, my oil paintings remained in the garage and sadly sustained some water damage. I seldom thought of them.

In 2016, I discovered I had been raped as a toddler by an uncle who lived with us in 1968. The full story is given in a 10-part article.

Disturbed symbols of the tunnel, bridge and gate
My terrible unearthing caused me to examine my novels, diaries and artwork. I am horrified to find rape symbols within my landscape paintings. The drawings of the dead tree and the distorted gate appear to enter the tunnel. I completed these drawings in the autumn of 1985 and would produce charcoal drawings from them.

The symbol of the tree and tunnel

Secret Messages from my Toddlerhood

See also my painting of the dead tree. Notice the branches straddling the gate. Notice also my placing of the dead tree at the mouth of the tunnel. I have provided a reconstruction of the location of the dead tree in relation to the tunnel. I often sat beneath that tunnel sketching the dead tree.

A year later, I would give the same treatment to the doorway of a barn. I placed a large plank at the doorway. I believed I was simply improving the composition by breaking up the sky. I suffered crippling period pain, depression and grief throughout that summer whilst painting there.

I blamed these sensations upon the wrong things. The grief was in fact  due to the loss of my childhood. The period pain is due to subconscious reminders of the sensation of rape. How astonishing I would experience such symptoms of PTSD due to my creation of a rape symbol in the landscape!

Plank at the Doorway of an old barn
On 23 November 1986, I would hang a painting of the barn door and plank in my bedroom. That night in my diary, I report of a horrid dream. I also experience a nasty sensation of falling asleep with noises in my head. At this time, I was reading Colleen McCullough’s The Thornbirds. Mary Carson’s dead body plagued with flies disturbed me. I was also tormented by the face-hugger in Aliens which I watched that summer. This is because my uncle routinely suffocated me in my bedroom before assaulting me. Certain imagery triggered me.

Painting of the barn hung in my bedroom spurring troubled nights

Truth about My Childhood

What I hadn’t realized was that I had produced other oil paintings depicting rape, prior to these landscape paintings. The subject matter is still life (covered in a separate article). All these paintings are like pieces to a jigsaw. In isolation they make no sense, but together, a pattern emerges.

The devastation of this unearthing is indescribable. My life has been torn apart and the foundations of my life are destroyed. Worse, I discover that my fictional character Aidan of my novel The Lessons was in fact sourced from my uncle. My childhood familiar wore a face based upon a rapist. He was not a childhood familiar at all.

Once the dust settles, I dare to revisit the sites of my alfresco oil paintings.

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